right forum for Gx-100?

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Crowd Of One
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right forum for Gx-100?

Post by Crowd Of One » Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:02 pm

Is this the correct forum for effect boards? I just signed up, a search for gx 100 bombs on account of these being 'common words'.

My board is brand new (replaces an Me-80) and I'd like to know how to 'play' with settings without a guitar because for this I really don't feel like having one hanging on me. I would think that a few looping notes or chords would normally be usable for this ...but how would I actuall DO that?


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Re: right forum for Gx-100?

Post by BearBoy » Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:26 pm

Hello and welcome to the forum.

I'm not familiar with the GX-100 but I think it has a built in looper? Is it possible to re-arrange the order of the effects to put the looper first? You could then record a short loop and then use that to play around with all the other effects to get the sounds you want.

If that's not possible, you could buy a cheap simple looper pedal and put that in front of the GX-100.

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Re: right forum for Gx-100?

Post by BearBoy » Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:32 pm

If you go to the "Effects Placement" section of the online manual (https://static.roland.com/manuals/gx-10 ... 22514.html) it shows you how to drag and drop the various effects to where you want them in your signal chain. Put the looper first and I think you should be able to do what you're after.

Good luck!

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Re: right forum for Gx-100?

Post by BearBoy » Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:33 pm

The instructions for the looper function itself are here: https://static.roland.com/manuals/gx-10 ... ?&k=looper

Crowd Of One
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Re: right forum for Gx-100?

Post by Crowd Of One » Tue Jan 30, 2024 3:23 am

Thanks, I didn't get any email alerts and forgot all about this forum. Yes, there is a loop effect, I haven't tried it yet but will certainly use it to tweak tones.

I had a Me-80 before and almost upgraded it to a Me-90 but I'm glad I went for the Gx-100 instead. It's a learning curve but I don't use Windows or Mac so the Android interface will come in handy.

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Re: right forum for Gx-100?

Post by Crowd Of One » Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:21 pm

I've also learned since that short riffs and such don't really help to evaluate a preset, one has to try it in a prospect piece from start to end. It's more work but pays off and thanks again for the help!

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