Info on the BOSS Dual Cube LX ?

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Info on the BOSS Dual Cube LX ?

Post by Montezuma » Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:18 pm

I have joined this happy throng as I have been unable to find out a couple of simple details relating to the BOSS Dual Cube LX amplifier.

I have enquired of various vendors, I have scoured several guitar-orientated websites, I have even tried to elicit a response from BOSS, all to no avail.

The two simple questions are:

1. Is this amp suitable for electric/acoustic guitars, or has it been designed specifically for electric guitars ?

2. If an output is taken from the LINE-OUT to a mixing desk, or PA, are the internal speakers muted ?

I didn't think that I would have any trouble discovering the answers to those questions, but the few responses, and bits of info, that I have been able to access have been quite contradictory.

Any clarification of these two issues would be welcome.

I have had a shuffti around the site but can find no reference to the Dual Cube LX.

Maybe that should tell me something ?


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Re: Info on the BOSS Dual Cube LX ?

Post by Pepe » Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:52 pm

Welcome to the forum! 8-)

I have never got in touch with this certain model, but usually a plug put into a line out jack should not mute the internal speaker of an amplifier. That does normally only happen if you use the designated headphones output. In the case of the Dual Cube LX the speakers should definitely be muted if you use the headphones/recording mini jack on the top.

Since the amp has acoustic simulation designed to be used with an electric guitar, plus all the other amp models are based on typical electrical guitar amps, I bet that it should sound best with an electric guitar. But that doesn't mean that it sounds rubbish with an acoustic guitar. I haven't found information about this certain use in the German reviews, but a review at the site says that the bass version of this amp sounded quite good with an acoustic guitar.

I hope that helps a bit!
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Re: Info on the BOSS Dual Cube LX ?

Post by Montezuma » Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:28 am

Hi Pepe.

Thanks for your input.

You echo more or less what I thought.

I have tried one more time to contact BOSS via their Roland Backstage Website. We shall see if they reply this time. I am not holding my breath.

I am a registered member of 'Roland Backstage', from way back when I purchased a Roland Micro Cube to use for practice purposes.

I sometimes even use it as a pseudo preamp, with my Washburn Festival EA20, or Breedlove Atlas Solo, and take a line out to a clean channel on the PA. On this little box of tricks, the Line-Out mutes the speaker, hence my original question.

A lot depends upon the size of the venue. For the sort of stuff we play, the effects available on the Micro Cube are quite acceptable. Just a touch of Reverb or Chorus and occasionally, if we are being really adventurous, say, with Black Magic Woman, Leopardskin Pillbox Hat, or Honky Tonk Woman, then the Classic Stack, Brit Combo or Black Panel effects come in handy.

Mostly I use Laney A1+ Acoustic amp. Trouble is, it is now getting to be a bit on the heavy side (13 Kilos) for an old codger, like me, to carry up and down stairs, and heave in and out of the back of the van. My younger colleagues have their own gear to deal with, and little time to assist me. 13 Kilos doesn't sound much, and it wasn't when I was younger, but in my 81st year I need something lighter.

So I am looking for something lighter, that I can use for both practice, and for gigs, when the Line-Out will be routed to the PA, and the internal speakers can be used as a monitor.

At present this option is just a thought, but something has to give as I ain't getting any younger, and the Laney is not getting any lighter.


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Re: Info on the BOSS Dual Cube LX ?

Post by Montezuma » Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:46 am

I have scoured the web and come up with this circuit diagram which seems to indicate that the Line-Out does not mute the internal speakers.
Boss Dual Cube Diag.jpg
Boss Dual Cube Diag.jpg (49.6 KiB) Viewed 6657 times
So, just the issue of active or passive pickups to resolve.

Still no response from BOSS.


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Re: Info on the BOSS Dual Cube LX ?

Post by Pepe » Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:00 am

Ah, nice find!
Pepe at YouTube and Instagram

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