No one needs another overdrive...

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Re: No one needs another overdrive...

Post by The_Doc » Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:43 am

I’d really like to see that Laurie and I understand your concerns. Just wondering if there is any way access to a thread here could be controlled and restricted ?

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Re: No one needs another overdrive...

Post by sclitheroe » Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:13 pm

My thoughts (none to be taken seriously/to heart, just thoughts)

- OD designs are a dime a dozen, and basically nobody will care very much about an untested, low name-brand awareness design
- and if they did, posting the design here surely helps establish prior-art for the legal settlement
- Given the state of stompboxes today, would a unique circuit even _be_ something that could be protected or result in a settlement if monetized outside yourself? Seems like its a free-for-all on circuit use and re-use and posting of reverse-engineered circuits in the boutique world. Unless you are tucking notarized, dated, schematics in a safe deposit box, this seems like a total crapshoot.

- (if stolen) do you think most boutique buyers look for the low dollar clone, or the personality and brand relationship behind the product as the deciding factor? All things being equal, I buy on personality/design philosophy when I'm boutique shopping - it's why I have a lot of Caroline pedals, as an outside example; their choices and general design goals in tone resonate with me. Maybe I'm an outlier in this regard, but I don't think so - boutique builders very definitely have their individual fan/customer bases in my opinion/experience.

- this is a small, well policed forum, would there be that many trolls?
- if a troll post happened, and was removed via moderation, would it still bother you?
- did you want me to troll you to see how it goes? :D

A lot of it comes down to who your market is, your motivations for designing and building a pedal for that market, and your estimation of exactly how large you think that market is (your financial goals). Wampler certainly doesn't hurt for sales, and his mods and circuits are widely known and copied. JHS makes no secret about where his inspirations comes. Boss can't even make a fuzz pedal without outside help these days ;) (still bitter Boss, sorry not sorry)


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Re: No one needs another overdrive...

Post by sclitheroe » Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:26 pm

Another possible outcome to sharing designs:

You develop a reputation as a circuit designer, catch the eye of an established, successful pedal company, and get a contract or full time gig doing design work. Sort of the open source model to financial gain.

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Re: No one needs another overdrive...

Post by laurie » Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:14 am

THANK YOU for the considered responses.

I'm much less concerned about the design getting into the public domain than I am "sensitive to being trolled". I just don' like it and it can be quite nasty.

And yes, it is a new design from someone who hasn't has a presence in the builder community for nearly 10 years (I can't quite believe that... I let DingoTone go in 2012...). So nobody will/should give a rat's arse about a new untried design. And I'm never going to sell 1,000 of any design, so it's not a commercial question, really.

sclitheroe you make a good point... if trolls find it to be a good target, pepe can shut that down. I hadn't though of that being an option.

So, then. It's on.

Over the next few weeks I'll lay out the blocks of the schematic, let you know why I've made the choices I've made.

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Re: No one needs another overdrive...

Post by Boogieman » Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:08 am

I think it is possible that a sub-forum can be created here with restricted access controlled by admin/moderators, either by created a new user class or manually granting access. A lot of gaming clans' forum have a private forum which is accessible by clan members only.

That is, if the admin thinks it is worth the effort.

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